Daily Word: Who’s a Worm?? Isaiah 41:13

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

For I am ADONAI [the LORD] your God who upholds your right hand, who says to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13, TLV


Who’s a Worm??    Okay. I must chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14? “‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you.’ It is a declaration of ADONAI [the LORD], your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.” [Emphasis Mine] The context? Israel is a mess. They’ve disappointed God in too many ways to count.

So, why does our Heavenly Father go out of His way to comfort these “worms?” Because of His love? Absolutely. But also because of His omniscience.

Before creation, our Father knew what Israel would do and not do. If He knew all this before creation — before the Fall in the Garden, before the Covenant with Abraham, before all the Covenants — then He knew one day everything would work out. Not because He predestined it, but He foreknew it.

What about us?

Before we shake our heads in judgment over Israel’s disobedience, we need to look at ourselves. How many times have we known from the top of our heads to the bottoms of our soles, we messed up, sinned. It’s not even 7 a.m. this morning, and I can’t count the number of times I have.

What if someone followed us every day and wrote down every single sin, mistake, and poor choice we made? Then, what if they published it, and it became a bestseller? I think we would be a bit more gracious and merciful — a bit less critical of others.

Aren’t we glad our Abba — our Daddy — feels the same way about us. He knows we’re going to mess up, but He also knows how this all ends. He loves us and because of His Son’s redemption, we’re worth the frustrating effort. He won’t give up guiding and helping us to be more like His Son.

So, when we’re wormy, remember to seek the Lord for forgiveness and learn from our mistakes. When others around us are wormy, pray for them. Forgive them. Remember even though we are our Heavenly Father’s redeemed children, we can be a bit wormy.

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