Daily Word: Using the Right Tools? Proverbs 13:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful is hard. Proverbs 13:15, TLV


Using the Right Tools?    I love this verse. The Tree of Life Version’s (TLV) translation of the Hebrew word שֵֽׂכֶל־ [sekhel] is understanding. What is interesting is that sekhel is also the Yiddish word for understanding — it’s also used for intelligence, smarts, brains, reason, common sense, cleverness or even wisdom.

Wisdom, I believe, is the “mother” of knowledge and understanding which produces insights and discernment — and good old common sense. We travel wisdom’s path using these tools.


Understanding the context and definition of understanding was a breakthrough moment for me. The first few months of studying Proverbs, even the first year saw minimal successes. Here were tools, but I didn’t fully understand how to use them.

Understanding was what happened when I was faithful to walk out wisdom’s knowledge and could answer the “why” of how it worked—because I had experienced them. Then it was easier to use those tools.

The best way to comprehend any truth in Scripture is to have the experience of walking it out. The experience of failing and succeeding. Both build understanding.


The secondary nature of understanding is the power to take our experience and communicate it to others in a meaningful way. To message how to practically live out these Biblical principles. We gain favor when we help others. We are more trustworthy.

Honestly, this is my passion. To take what GOD has done and is doing in my life and share it with others in a way that is understandable. Not in a prideful way, but in a way that says: You can do it, too! That says: I’ve failed, too, but let’s keep trying!

Understanding our role in this wisdom’s journey is a powerful tool. Do you understand your role?

Think More About It

Do you understand your role in this wisdom’s journey? I would love to hear the ways you walk it out and how it has impacted others. How you use the wisdom’s tools.

Thanks for stopping by. If you have any questions, comments, insights, and ideas, please use the comment section. Your shares are greatly appreciated.

Until tomorrow, may we understand role in our wisdom’s journey, my friends. Thanks for stopping by. Please continue to pray for Israel—that the powers to be seek God’s wisdom. God bless you and Shabbat Shalom!

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