The righteous will never be uprooted, but the wicked will not dwell in the land. Proverbs 10:30, TLV
Feeling Uprooted? Have you ever felt uprooted? Like you didn’t belong? Anywhere? I have. In our coming up on 50 years of marriage, Bob and I have moved nearly 20 times and lived in eight different states.
With that many new homes, we’ve learned how to acclimate to our new location as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is not finding the best route to Walmart, or the best doctors and hairdressers, it is the people. Because people make a home.
Godly relationships, fellowship, connection will help us dwell well in the land. For us today, it’s a lovely village in rural Georgia.
And we’ve also learned that we must be available — and sometimes, even vulnerable — to build these relationships. Intentional efforts in building friendships. Still, we’re at a disadvantage in that we don’t have the history that others have, which can leave us feeling a bit uprooted.
Ultimate Move
Still, I know there’s a better land. A land governed eternally by the Creator of the Universe. It is a Kingdom where we belong and never need to feel we are less than we were created to be. Why? Because we were invited and given access through the blood atonement of the King. And, because of Him, we can’t be uprooted.
And wonder of wonders, He wants everyone to accept His invitation. There’s plenty of room — plenty of good land. Our Father wants us to gather all those He has longs to live there. This is the GOD we serve. This is the GOD we love.
Think More About It
Have you ever felt that uprooted, disconnected feeling? How do you work through this feeling?
Until tomorrow, may we dwell well in His Kingdom, my friends.
As we pray for Israel and the Jewish people, let’s remember that their home on earth is Israel. And Jerusalem is the place where GOD has placed His Name forever (2 Chronicles 6:5-6)! Does it make sense that the battle of evil and divine will always take place in the Land? Praying for peace has new meaning, yes? God bless you and Shabbat Shalom!