Daily Word: Do You Have a Destiny? Proverbs 6:6-8

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Go to the ant, you slacker—consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler. Yet it prepares its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6:6-8


Do You Have a Destiny?     Anthropomorphisms aside, you have to admire the ant. They’re always working.

Work is important. And this passage speaks well to that diligence, but it struck me that while the ant is a good example of a hard worker, it is also another example of one of God’s creatures knowing their purpose.

Imagine. The little ant wakes up in its little hill and goes about its ant business with its co-workers. Rain or shine. It doesn’t wake up questioning who he is. It’s an ant.

What if those little guys decided they just didn’t want to be who God created them to be? The whole colony would suffer.


We are made in our Heavenly Father’s image. Built in us is the capacity for greatness, purpose, but also the understanding of humility. That there is One much greater than us. Sometimes, somewhere along the way we forget that.

Could our choice to follow our own destiny — rather than God’s destiny for us — impact others around us? Or, at a basic level, when we aren’t wise and do not prepare and gather and honor our commitments, wouldn’t that mean others suffer because we have slacked?

Walking in our God-ordained destiny can be exciting. Knowing who we are can be liberating. When we find we’re striving to be something we’re not, maybe it’s time to seek the Father and find out if we’ve detoured from the path He’s given us.

Think about it, the Creator of the Universe builds into this tiny creature, the ant’s identity and purpose, wouldn’t He all the more do the same for us who are made in His image? He wants us to know who we are and the purpose He has for us in His kingdom. Kind of awesome, don’t you think?

Think More About It

Do you know your destiny? It doesn’t have to be grandiose or fame-worthy. Being purposeful in who we were designed to be means we’re fulfilling His purpose. That purpose can simply and wonderfully be to raise a family. To be a kind and compassionate soul who sees the needs of others.

Until tomorrow, may we seek His purpose and destiny for us, my friends.

“But you, Israel, My servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen,
descendant of Abraham, My friend—
I took hold of you from the ends of the earth,
and called from its uttermost parts,
and said to you, ‘You are My servant—
I have chosen you, not rejected you.’” Isaiah 41:8-9, TLV


As we pray for Israel, the Jewish people, and those adopted sons and daughters of Abraham, may we bring before our Father His promises for our destinies. God bless you and Shabbat Shalom.

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