One who winks his eyes schemes deceit, one who purses his lips is bent on evil. Proverbs 16:30, TLV
Winking? The context and culture of this verse implies that winking is a form of deception. In other words, the winker conspires with the winkee to hide something from another person(s).
Scripture teaches us to be transparent. No easy task with the stronger emotions like anger and fear. Some folks are better at it than others. But most of us try to conceal what we don’t want others to see. And that concealment can cause problems.
The Opposite of Transparency
The opposite of transparency is secrecy. There are two types of secrecy:
- those with strategic evil intent,
- and those who haven’t dealt with the root causes of strong emotions.
In this proverb are examples of how strategic secrecy can manifest.
Have you ever caught someone in an unguarded moment and seen the disdain they have for you? It’s quite unsettling. Or, watched as someone winked to another person and you knew it was meant to ridicule you in some way?
When we get that uncomfortable “feeling,” in most cases, it’s discernment. Be wary of these folks. In these situations, our transparency is not advisable. Guard our hearts. Be wise about what we share about ourselves.
Even in Followers of Jesus
Disdain comes in many forms — even in followers of Yeshua.
In the case of secrecy caused by strong emotions, we must deal with our own hearts. Being in various levels of ministry for over 25 years, I’ve seen a lot of “winking,” rolling of eyes, and pursing of lips. I’ve been guilty of doing it myself. But I didn’t realize then how damaging and divisive it was. It’s a form of disdain and pride, and that’s not good.
When we’re angry with someone, it takes a lot of effort to deal with it quickly. If we don’t, it will fester and result in our no longer being transparent with that person — and others around us. Festering creates opportunities for more sin, especially division and disunity—even when we’re the offended party.
Yeshua included a petition in the prayer template He taught us, what we know as the Lord’s Prayer.
And forgive us our debts [sins] as we also have forgiven our debtors [those who sin against us]. Matthew 6:12, TLV
Remembering that our transparency is foundational to forgiveness—to receive and give—is a sobering and liberating reality. It’s not easy to deal with our own issues. But, always, it’s worth it. May we abide in this place.
Think More About It
How has “winking” affected our faith journey?
Until tomorrow, may we be transparent with wisdom, my friends.
The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them. Proverbs 11:3, TLV
Integrity during war is no small feat. Human error can look as nefarious as a calculated tactic. Let us pray together that Israel will maintain integrity and compassion. God bless you.