Daily Word: What are the Attributes of Wisdom? Proverbs 13:1

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A wise son heeds his father’s discipline, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. Proverbs 13:1, TLV [Focusing on the whole chapter]


What Are the Attributes of Wisdom?     I love this whole chapter. Contained in today’s Proverbs’ chapter are a lot of great insights into what it takes to walk Wisdom’s Journey. I counted over 25 attributes of a wise person. These are some I thought might get us interested in unpacking more:

  • Obedience
  • Discipline
  • Humility
  • Integrity
  • Listens to rebukes
  • Diligence
  • Hates lies
  • Contentment
  • Practices understanding
  • Obeys the Law and the law
  • Seeker of truth
  • Hard worker
  • Eloquence

Okay. I really love the attribute of eloquence. That was culled from verses 2 and 3:

From the fruit of a man’s mouth he enjoys good things, but the treacherous crave violence. Proverbs 13:2, TLV

He who watches his mouth protects his life, but whoever opens wide his lips comes to ruin. Proverbs 13:3, TLV

The world may think us quaint and old-fashioned — out of touch with reality. But truth be told, we share the wealth of knowledge from the Creator of the Universe. There’s nothing quaint about that. It’s profound.

At this time of confusion and deception, building those discernment muscles is so important.

Our source of wisdom knows no bounds. Who can say that today? How amazing is that?

Think More About It

What attributes did you find? Which one(s) touched your heart and mind? Which one(s) challenged you to seek more?

Until tomorrow, may we continue to seek and develop the attributes of a wise person, my friends.

I am Your servant, give me discernment,
so I may understand Your testimonies. Psalm 119:125, TLV


Well, it seems there isn’t a lot of teaching about discernment these days. Everyone seems reactive to circumstances—and not in a good way. Today’s prayer is simple: as His servants, we request discernment so that we can understand the evidence of His truth for a foundation to build upon. Shall we agree together for a servant’s heart for us and our brothers and sisters in Messiah? That in this space of humility we seek His discernment? That we may understand His truth? Yes? God bless you!

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