Daily Word: Are You a True Friend? Proverbs 19:7

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

All a poor man’s relatives despise him—how much more his friends avoid him. Proverbs 19:7, TLV


Are You a True Friend?     This is a sad and uncomfortable proverb. What struck me this morning was that the “Poor Man” at one time had friends. Something happened to change the nature of his friendships. Perhaps:

  • He wasn’t always poor.
  • Over time he has become a moocher or complainer.
  • Or perhaps a combination of the two things.

For the sake of today’s blog, let’s say Poor Man has fallen on hard times. In the past, he was able to provide for his family, be generous to friends, but for whatever reason that has been taken away.

What do we do as his family or friends?

Chapter 19

In this chapter alone we are counseled in the realities of how to live a life of need and how to and not to respond to the needs of the poor. Check out these verses:

  • One: those in need are not exempt from the pursuit of uprightness. Rich or poor, God expects us to be people of integrity.
  • Four: we learn that there are true friends and false friends. Whether someone who falls on hard times or someone who is wealthy, false friends’ relationships are dependent upon what others can do for them. True friends are not dependent on what we can do for them.
  • Seventeen: God has His say about the poor. He doesn’t care if His children have money. He loves them and expects us to love them too. Money means nothing to Him — righteousness and integrity do. The same should apply to us.

As I think about this, I think the writer of this chapter is challenging us to look at our own character. If a friend falls on hard times — financial, marital, grief, health — are we true friends? Or do we avoid them when things aren’t easy?

Knowing What to Say

Sometimes we don’t know what to say or do when a friend struggles. That’s normal. Fortunately, God knows how to care for those who are having a rough time. Seek Him. Seek wisdom. He’s already given us a lot of practical wisdom pertaining to the poor or those who are weak and struggling.

I guess, it boils down to following what Jesus said:

So, in all things, do to others what you would want them to do to you—for this is the Torah and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12, TLV

That’s a good place for friendship to begin. And a great way to build true friendships.

Think More About It

Have you ever struggled and lost friends? What lessons did you learn that now help you to be a better friend?

Until tomorrow, may we be true friends, my friends.

A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17, TLV


As brothers and sisters in Messiah we are called for adversity. My prayer is that I will love at all times and be there—spiritually and when possible, in person—in times of adversity. Amen? God bless you!

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