Daily Word: Our Spirit is His lamp? Proverbs 20:27

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

The spirit of man is the lamp of ADONAI [the LORD], searching all his inmost being.  Proverbs 20:27, TLV


Our Spirit is His Lamp?     Our Heavenly Father’s lamp is our spirit?  It’s worth noting that we typically think that this is the role of the Holy Spirit. Which is part of our born-again experience. As in, He gave us the Holy Spirit the moment we accepted the blood atonement of His Son. He placed it there to search out our inmost being. It’s a part of Him. Him being the Creator of the Universe.

Yet, that born-again experience isn’t part of the faith journey before Yeshua’s arrival on earth. So, the “spirit” is what all humans are born with. Therefore, God has access, so to speak, from birth—or maybe sooner? Something to think about.

As followers of Jesus, we know it’s true. And yet, we still think we can hide our sins, thoughts, and secret behaviors from Him.

Trying to conceal all those doubts, ulterior motives, excuses, denials, or fibs (a.k.a., lies), is foolish. The reality is, He can see it all plainly.

He created us to be seen — all the good, all the bad. He did this to prove His love. Really.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Messiah died for us. Romans 5:8, TLV

He did it so we can repent and be set free. Imagine what it would be like to walk with Him and point out the sins we know we’ve committed so He can shine the light on it. Our spirit working in partnership with Him. What would that look and feel like?

Next time, we feel ourselves pull back from scrutiny or transparency, pause. When we feel that conviction, remember that this is how our Father built us—it’s part of the sanctification process. And, in that moment of pause, seek Yeshua, the perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), and let Him illuminate what He wants us to see.

As we repent, our Father is already working to restore and renew us. He will walk with us through it all. And that is an amazing thing.

Think More About It

Has your understanding of our spirit and the  Holy Spirit changed? How does this practically apply to your faith journey?

Until tomorrow, may we embrace our Father’s illumination, my friends.

Many are asking, “Who will show us some good?”

May the light of Your face shine upon us, ADONAI! Psalm 4:7, TLV


Yes, LORD! Simple prayer. Profound transformation of any situation. Yes? Shabbat shalom and God bless you!

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