Daily Word: Are You Part of the Dream Team? Proverbs 15:7

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

The lips of the wise spread knowledge, but not so the heart of fools. Proverbs 15:7, TLV


Are You Part of the Dream Team?     I have this recurring dream. It takes different forms, but it’s always about a meeting of some sort. Sometimes it’s a major corporate business meeting. Sometimes it’s a military-type gathering. Whatever the type, there are respected leaders present — in some dreams, they are well known.

The conversations are animated because the meeting is important. I raise my hand. I’m recognized and called upon. Everyone is silent as they look at me. I have their attention. I speak. (I sure wish I could remember what I say.) When I finish, the leaders either nod in affirmation, or agree loudly. Then the meeting continues.

I’ve contributed. Given the information I needed to give, then stepped back and let it move forward on its own. Or rather, let God take it from there.

Part of a Team

What I love about those dreams is that I know I’m part of a team. My opinion or counsel is respected because they know God’s wisdom has a firm hold in me. And I respect them as well.

When I wrote my first book, the women’s devotional, Making Eye Contact with God, about half-way through writing the book, I was getting a bit overwhelmed. The publisher had given me a short deadline and a lot of writing. And, well, this was important stuff — this writing to move women’s hearts to a deeper relationship with God. Could I handle it?

At that point, the Lord said, “You get them to the place where they can hear me. I’ll take it from there.”

Although I had a lot of work ahead of me, I was relieved when He reminded me that He was the one who changed hearts. Not me.

He Took Them Where He Needed Them to Go

It’s been over fifteen years, and readers continue to share how our Heavenly Father has changed them. For that I am humbled. Many times, what they got out of a particular devotion was not what I had thought, what I had intended. Even though I took them with me, Abba took them where He wanted. And for that I am grateful.

We can spread God’s word — His wisdom, His message, His Good News — but it’s up to Him to work in people’s hearts. It’s His Holy Spirit. Still, it is kind of cool that we’re part of the ultimate dream team. I’m glad about that, aren’t you?

I guess that’s what these Proverbs’ blogs do, as well. I raise my hand. You call on me. I speak. And you either affirm or not. But what happens from there, that’s God’s job.

So, every time I read this verse, it conjures up those dreams and these testimonies. Silly? I suppose. Nevertheless, I like thinking I’m on God’s team. His dream team — with you. And that’s not silly at all.

Think More About It

I have one regular reader of these devotional blogs who when she shares the post on her social media, she writes her own accompanying message. Sometimes, we’re on the same page. Other times, she extrapolates into another theme that is just as relevant—most times even more. How about you? Are you on a “dream team”? What has that been like?

Until tomorrow, may we join the “dream team” so that our lips spread knowledge, my friends.

Teach me good sense and knowledge,
for I trusted in Your mitzvot [law/teachings]. Psalm 119:66, TLV

Simple petition to the LORD today—simple, but very important. Let’s agree that His Spirit will teach “good sense and knowledge” to the leaders of Israel. It probably wouldn’t hurt to include the Body of Messiah—us—too. Amen? God bless you.

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