Daily Word: Pollution in our Homes? Proverbs 17:13

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Whoever rewards evil for good—evil will never leave his house. Proverbs 17:13, TLV


Pollution in our Homes?     This is one of those blink* passages. We tend to blink over them because they don’t — on the surface — apply to us. In today’s proverb, it’s easy to blink over the word “evil.” As believers who are justified by faith in Jesus, we’re not evil. Right? Absolutely.

But, one day, the passage “provoked” an emotion and caused me to pause and seek the LORD about it. I landed on the most basic of our faith. Sin. Sin is evil. While — thanks to Yeshua — I’m not condemned because of sin, I can be convicted of sin. While my intent is not for evil — the outcome can look the same.


Some of those sins are so deeply rooted, I need His help digging them out. It can take years or a lifetime to accomplish that for some deeply rooted ones. Knowing I struggle with those deep roots means I have to keep my heart centered on keeping my home and Sacred Place clear of anything that can trigger it.

The deeply rooted sin I struggle with is perfectionism. As I’ve said before, I’m a recovering perfectionist. Perfectionists can never truly be grateful or satisfied — how evil is that? And every once in a while it sticks its ugly head out when I least expect it.

This issue manifests its evil pollution in my spirit by being judgmental, critical, impatient, greedy, envious. If I’m tired or feeling low, or just lazy and step out of the place of gratitude, my impatience and judgmental attitude eventually contaminates everything around me, including my home — and worse, my Sacred Place with the LORD.

Reflections in Those We Love

How do I know when that happens? It’s reflected in the eyes of those I love. If you struggle with this or wonder if you struggle with this — even from time to time — watch your loved ones’ eyes. If we see the malaise of sadness, rejection, disappointment, or confusion, STOP and seek. Have we gone too far seeking the perfect act, or words, or behavior? Are we not content with the small act, when we think them capable of more?

Only the Holy Spirit can reveal that to us. And that can only happen when we humble ourselves enough to listen.

Thankfully, He will let us know so that we can repent and clean up the hazardous waste we deposited. He helps us dig out another layer of that root — maybe all of it this time. And that’s a good thing.

Think More About It

Have you struggled with home pollution? How have you cleaned it up?

Until tomorrow, may our hearts and homes be a sacred place, my friends.

They all turned aside, became corrupt.
There is no one who does good
—not even one.
“Will evildoers never understand—
those who consume My people as they eat bread—
and never call on ADONAI [the LORD]?”
There they are, in great dread.
For God is with the righteous generation. Psalm 14:3-5, TLV

One day. We pray that one day, all will call on the LORD. That prophecy will be fulfilled and both Abraham’s descents will follow the Father’s Son. One day a righteous generation will emerge. Today, I pray for that one day. Amen? Chag Semeach and God bless you.

*A “blink” verse or passage are Bible verses that we tend to blink past. Either not really reading or because it’s confusing we ignore it and more on. Thanks to Dr. Raleigh Washington (co-creator of Promise Keepers and Road to Jerusalem) for coining this term.

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