Daily Word: Give Grace and Mercy? Proverbs 24:17-18

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, or let your heart be glad when he stumbles, or ADONAI [the LORD] may see it as evil in His eyes, and turn His wrath away from him. Proverbs 24:17-18, TLV


Give Grace and Mercy?     Today’s proverb speaks of not taking pleasure in those we’re angry with when they stumble and fall.

When someone who has mistreated us or those we care about, experience hard times or a judgment for their wrong actions, we can’t take pleasure in that? Yes, it is true. Especially brothers and sisters in the Messiah. Not even a little. We can’t promote the news in such a fashion that keeps their sin in the minds and hearts of others–and most importantly us. We must forgive. Must.

Justice is not revenge. Justice is accountability balanced with GOD’s will and purposes. When we take pleasure even in a justified verdict, it’s like a spiritual act of revenge. We leave no room for restoration in our hearts and restoration is where our Heavenly Father lives.

The Great Persecutor

Saul/Paul deserved the full extent of the Christian/Messianic community’s anger for all he did. What if that was the end of his story? No redemption? No restoration? No zealous preacher and teacher to the Gentiles? No epistles beautifully penned by him? We simply don’t know GOD’s end game–His purposes.

It’s natural to feel a sense of satisfaction that justice prevailed, but we can’t even stay in that place. We need to remember that GOD always seeks to reconcile His children to Him. He is holy and hates sin, but He knows that His love through the death and resurrection of His Son can cover a multitude of sins. Aren’t we staking our eternity on that?

People of Grace and Mercy

As people who live in GOD’s grace and mercy, we must stay in that place of grace. Keeping our eyes on Him keeps us open to His next move, whatever that may be. Whether it’s restoration or not, we must live in forgiveness and gratitude. And that’s the best place to be.

Think More About It

Do you struggle with abiding in the pleasure of someone’s misfortune? How will or did you resolve this?

Until tomorrow, may we live in forgiveness and gratitude, and grace and mercy, my friends.

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, or let your heart be glad when he stumbles, or ADONAI [the LORD] may see it as evil in His eyes, and turn His wrath away from him. Proverbs 24:17-18, TLV

Did I make a mistake and reuse this verse? Nope. I think it bears repeating—and it’s a great reminder to me. We’re praying for peace. Speaking out against the lies spoken against Israel. That can work us up emotionally, yes? Let’s pray for grace and mercy to blast our need for revenge and extended feelings of satisfaction or pleasure when Israel’s enemies are thwarted—especially violently. Let’s forgive—not because they deserve it, but because we are commanded to. Still like me? God bless you and Chag Semeach.

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