Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 22:5

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Watching for Snares and Thorns

TODAY’S PROVERB: Thorns and snares are in the path of the perverse, but one who guards his soul stays far from them. Proverbs 22:5

Have you ever been pricked by a thorn? Most likely it happened because the thorns weren’t visible initially. Or we weren’t paying attention to plants we knew had thorns. I can’t count the number of times I reached for a rose and got the thorn.

What a great analogy for guarding our soul. We must be vigilant and discerning about the temptations around us. Something–or someone–drawing our attention away from the safe path of GOD’s wisdom. There may be a lovely “scent” or “flower” but hidden within its beauty is a thorn.

Recognizing the thorns and snares in our life is the first step to avoiding them. When we pay attention we can avoid a lot of pain.

Knowing which “flowers” or “scents” that draw us away and distract us helps us stay far from them no matter how attractive. Sometimes we have to get stuck before we can recognize the danger. But once we learn, we can not be stuck again. And that’s a good thing,

May we avoid the thorns and snares, my friends.

Proverbs 22:5, Tree of Life Bible SocietyTree of Life Version – TLV#tlvbible#tlvproverbs

[WATCH MONDAY through FRIDAY LIVE at 8:30EST, Tree of Life Bible Society‘s CEO, Daniah Greenberg and me, Terri Gillespie, Author dig a little deeper with the book of Proverbs. Watch previous episodes there as well. Stay wise, my friends!]