Daily Word: Look for the Sweet Moments. Jeremiah 31:25

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

At this point I awoke, and looked around, and my sleep was sweet to me. Jeremiah 31:25, TLV


Look for the Sweet Moments.       Shabbat Shalom!  Context. This passage is part of a prophetic night-vision God gives Jeremiah. A beautiful vision of hope for the believing and faithful remnant of Israel. So much of what will happen to Israel is and will be judgment.

Jeremiah is called the “weeping prophet” as the bearer of those sad tidings—based on this book, it is well earned.

So, when the LORD revealed hope and an amazing future for the believing remnant, I imagine the beleaguered prophet was grateful and had peace and respite.

Watch for Those Sweet Moments

There have been a lot of weeping moments for us these days, haven’t there. In our families. Israel. Society. Trends. Unrest. Life in general. But we know as the “believing remnant” there is a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). That means, we should always seek out those “sweet moments” from the LORD. Look around at what is good and dwell on these things.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise—dwell on these things.  Philippians 4:8, TLV

Think More About It

How do you seek out those sweet moments? Can you share a testimony of finding the sweet in the trial? Love your comments and inspiring stories.

Until tomorrow, may we seek those sweet moments as often as possible.


Praying for Israel—Prayer Prompts

The wicked will turn to Sheol [the grave or hell],
as will all the nations that forget God.
For the needy will not forever be forgotten,
nor the hope of the poor perish forever.
Arise, ADONAI [LORD], do not let man triumph.
Let the nations be judged before You. Psalm 9:18-20, TLV

Sometimes, it is difficult to find the sweet moments in Israel. I can say friends have shared miracles in the midst of brutality. When a special family came to visit us their little granddaughter and grandson played with the box of toys and coloring books we had on hand. Little “H” fell in love with a small stuffed raccoon so of course we gave it to her.

A few weeks ago, the mother let me know that “H” tries to take her little raccoon into the bomb shelter. It’s her snuggle. My sweet moment is think about her snuggling and finding comfort in the gift we gave her. Even in the midst of turmoil, she hugs that little toy.

So, even though today’s prayer prompt is a bit on the harsh side, I remember and call to mind to the LORD, that the needy will not forever be forgotten—nor their hope. Amen? Shabbat shalom and God bless you!

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