Daily Word: A Generous Heart. Luke 6:38

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

“Give, and it will be given to you—a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, will be given into your lap. For whatever measure you measure out will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38, TLV


A Generous Heart.       Shabbat Shalom!   Here we go again with the importance of context. Why is context so important? Understanding the full context is the difference between looking into the window of a beautiful home, and living there.

For as long as I can remember, this passage is used to encourage us to give — financially — because we’ll get back. But it is so much more than that.

A Teaching Moment

This was one of Yeshua’s teaching moments. He wanted His followers and disciples to cultivate a generous heart — a generous attitude. From lending to compassion to how we treat each other, we are to seek to be generous.

My husband has a generous heart. Me, not as much as I would like. I have to make conscious choices. Generosity is not my default like with Bob. The difference between us is obvious when we’re in a hurry. Bob will routinely let others go before him in traffic or at the grocery store check-out.

My initial response to his generosity is frustration. It was his right to turn left or take the last box of his favorite coffee — he was there first. Of course he knows that, but he chooses to be generous.

While I am trying to fight for my rights, he is looking at others. Seeing them as valuable.

I believe this is what Jesus was trying to teach His disciples and us. How we use that lesson is our choice. Remembering the context helps us choose righteously — unselfishly.

Think More About It

What does generosity look like with your family? With you? Love your insights and testimonies.

May we choose wise generosity.


Praying for Israel—Praying Prompts

Your testimonies are wonderful.
Therefore my soul obeys them.
The unfolding of Your words gives light,
giving understanding to the simple.
I opened my mouth wide and panted,
for I longed for Your mitzvot [laws/teaching]. Psalm 119:129-131, TLV

This is a mediative passage. If you’ve used these prayer prompts you know there are many types of prayers we have. With the chaos and unrest, it’s always good to periodically switch our focus from the problems, and onto our Heavenly Father. To focus on how we can deepen our relationship with Him. Yes? God bless you and Shabbat shalom!

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