Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 11:29

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Is your home a refuge or a battleground?

TODAY’S PROVERB: Whoever troubles his own household will inherit wind, and the fool will be a servant to the wise-hearted. Proverbs: 11:29, TLV

Our home should be a safe place for us to be who we are — and a safe place to grow into who our Heavenly Father created us to be. Our home should reflect the Father’s heart: love, peace, compassion, faith, discipline, forgiveness, service, hope, joy, and comfort.

These building blocks create a home anyone would be proud of — regardless of the size and age of the building we live in. These are the attributes that will weather any of life’s storms.

After a long day of work, school, or even errands, the moment we enter our home we should feel the difference. Even if the kids are rowdy and the dinner burnt, we know there’s no other place we’d rather be on this earth.

And when one of our loved ones comes home, it would be a moment of joy, as if an honored guest has arrived.

All this takes work. Hard work to keep our home safe. So, we roll up our sleeves and work together to keep our home a sanctuary of purpose.

One of the greatest legacies we can give our family is a home filled with the love of GOD and love for each other. Teaching them how to create their own sanctuary is a priceless inheritance.

May our home be filled with love, my friends.

Proverbs 11:29 Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs