Daily Word: Power in Weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9

Terri GillespieDaily Word 2 Comments

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Messiah may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9, TLV


Power in Weakness.  Weakness is frowned upon in this world. Predators look for weakness. Opportunists capitalize on the weak. However, for those followers of the Messiah Jesus, that’s where we get His power.

How does that look? Do we radiate power like gamma rays off of our body? Or exhibit superhero strength? Actually, we may not look that different to the world, except for one amazing thing:

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and ‘you will find rest for your souls.’ YESHUA, MATTHEW 11:29, TLV [EMPHASIS MINE]

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Rest. Peace. A heart that rests in GOD, is not weak. When we traverse trials and tribulations, we don’t have to look like we have peace, we have it.

Not only that, but the power that radiates within us is the power of the Messiah — Jesus.

We’ve all had moments or events where we were able to a great exploit for Yeshua. Perhaps we don’t even realize it is happening until we reflect on it later. And, we should, reflect on it. Share the moment as a testimony that our strength could not have achieved what happened.

I’ve had moments — miracles — where I learned so much of the art of letting go and “let Jesus take the wheel.” Sharing with a troubled young many who held a gun on me. Lifting my 5’7″ daughter from the rapids into the raft when she hit a boulder. A confrontation with a bouncer who stared into my eyes and backed away. I can assure you, these moments were not my strength, they were His.

Those miracle moments will touch the hearts of those longing for more. For “Someone” who loves them that much that they will stand by them no matter the trial. Intervene in unexpected ways. Or hold their hand and give them peace.

Whatever shows in us to this hurting world will be real. We acknowledge the pain, grief, fear, depression, but we know all this is temporary, and He will carry us through.

How is GOD’s grace sufficient for you?

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