This month’s featured A2A author, Stephanie Landsem was new to me. However, after reading her latest release, Code Name Edelweiss, I had a sense that we share a great heart passion.
But when I interviewed her, I learned she’s as fun as she is serious. The A2A YouTube interview (see the end of this blog interview) will capture even more of that joyous nature, but let’s begin with the basics of about award-winning and best-selling author Stephanie Landsem!
Stephanie Landsem writes historical fiction for women, about women. She’s traveled the world in real life and traveled through time in her research and imagination. As she’s learned about women of the past, she’s come to realize that these long-ago women were very much like us. They loved, dreamed, and made mistakes. They struggled, failed, and triumphed. She writes to honor their lives and to bring today’s women hope and encouragement.
Stephanie makes her home in Minnesota with her husband, two cats and a dog, and frequent visits from her four adult children. Along with reading, writing, and research, she dreams about her next travel adventure—whether it be in person or on the page.
Oh come on, four ADULT children? Stephanie doesn’t look like she could have ONE adult child much less four. Of course, everyone looks young to me. Let’s learn more about Stephanie, shall we?
What did you read as a child? And what did you read to your children?
I was a huge fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder—I think it was the first series that I read and reread. Maybe that’s where my love of historical fiction started. One of my favorite birthday memories was receiving the box set of the entire series. I treasured those books! When my kids were barely old enough to sit still, I started reading the series to them. My boys especially loved Farmer Boy and we still talk about it today every time we eat watermelon!
I love it! Books can write themselves on our hearts and memories.
What is one of your favorite quotes from your latest book Code Name Edelweiss and why do you love it?
I particularly like this moment when my hero, Agent Thirteen, is wondering why God allows evil:
Not for the first time he wondered about God. If he was as good as they said he was, why didn’t he stop this evil? Why didn’t he rain down fire and brimstone on people like Winterhalder and Schwinn—smite them like he did the Egyptians in the Bible stories he’d read as a kid? It’s not like they didn’t deserve it. –Agent Thirteen
This is a good question and one we hear from Christians and non-Christians alike: Why does a good God allow evil? Agent Thirteen and Liesl Weiss, my heroine, both struggle to answer this question as they face the evils of the Nazis and try to determine what God is asking of them.
I keep think of that song by Matthew West entitled, Do Something. Maybe we see these horrible things because God wants us to do something.

Another mystery by Stephanie set in Hollywood.
What is a question no one has asked you about Code Name Edelweiss and you wish they would? Why?
Where was the public outrage against the anti-Semitism that was rampant in our country in the 1930s?
That’s a huge question and not easily answered. I don’t think most people realize how normalized anti-Semitism was in America in the 1930s and beyond. Jewish people were regularly banned from certain clubs, housing, and even restaurants. Newspapers and other media promoted negative stereotypes. The “otherness” of the Jewish people was deeply ingrained in our culture. It made it easy for the Nazis to use them as a scapegoat and blame them for everything from the breakdown of the family to the Great Depression. A follow-up question might also be this: Who do we see as “the other” in our own lives? And how can we see this person or group of persons as created and loved by God?
Bravo! As someone who lived, worked, and worshipped within the Jewish (Messianic) communities for nearly thirty years, anti-Semitism is alive and well even today. As a mother-in-law and grandmother to handsome and brilliant Black men, I can say that racism is still chipping away at our society. Well said, Stephanie. Thank you!
What is the best writing tip you ever received? How was it helpful?
This old but good advice: Butt in Chair, Fingers on Keyboard. Even if you aren’t inspired. Even if you don’t know what to write. And most especially if you’re on a deadline!
I’d add this additional advice to it: Pray. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sent up a prayer, then made myself sit and write when I didn’t feel I had anything in me. And suddenly I got an idea, my fingers took off, and I managed to write something meaningful (or at least something that could be edited).
Yes!! I think about pastors who write sermons each week–sometimes more than one–and I have yet to hear one stand up at the pulpit and say, “Sorry guys, no sermon today. Just didn’t feel inspired this week.”
The March A2A Giveaway!
Yes! Thanks to Tyndale House Publishing, this month’s giveaway
is a copy of Stephanie’s latest book, Code Name Edelweiss! Thank you, Tyndale House!
Isn’t this exciting! And you could be the WINNER! How? Well, by entering! Not just once, but up to SIX times!* Leave a comment below and share this blog and if you haven’t already, please subscribe to this newsletter and receive a free gift from me — and an extra entry.
Check out my YouTubeA2A interview with Stephanie. Because, in the video interview she will read an excerpt of Code Name Edelweiss, answer different fun questions! Really fun! By Liking and Commenting on the video episode, you will have one more entry.* Sharing the video, another entry.* Subscribe, and you have TWO entries for a chance to win.*
The Deadline is March 9th!
Watch our A2A interview!
That means, my friends, if you comment and subscribe -– or are already a subscriber -– to my blog, then watch the video and LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on the VIDEO, then Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, your name will be entered SIX TIMES!*
If you already have a copy of Code Name Edelweiss, be sure to let you friends and family know so that they can enter!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Stephanie— I sure did!
April’s Author Highlight is the Christy award-winning and bestselling author Amanda Barratt.
Thanks for stopping by! God bless and KEEP READING!
*So sorry, entries from the contiguous US only.