My novels, devotionals, and blogs are written to draw readers to hunger for a deeper relationship with their Heavenly Father. As women redeemed by the precious blood of His Son, a whole new world has opened for us.
As a little girl sucking lemon drops on the porch swing with my grandmother, listening to her spin tales for hours at a time, stories have helped me see life through the lens of adventure and God’s abiding love. Those stories changed my life. They challenged me to be brave. And I knew that I wanted to write stories that would encourage others and give them hope.

Grandpa and Grandma, the pouty little girl is me. Probably because I was told it was time to go home.
Grandma saw the storyteller in me and set up an ancient Royal typewriter on a wobbly, metal table with lots of paper so I could write my little stories. While my brothers and cousins were out exploring our grandparents’ farm, I was writing stories.

Jelly the Bear, circa 1959.
From Jelly the Bear who runs away from home, only to return because she misses her little brother, to other adventures of heroes and heroines, those tiny tales stirred up in me the hunger to offer my words to others. Not just for enjoyment, but for change and hope.
As I grew up, I discovered a talent for organization. So began years in the corporate world, and over 20 years in ministry. I have worked behind the scenes in development and fundraising, wrote the Restoration of Israel radio spots, and was a managing editor of the bestselling Tree of Life Version of the Holy Scriptures (TLV).
Currently I write the Daily Word blog and have nearly 600 Proverbs blogs through my Wisdom’s Journey through Proverbs.
But what I longed to write were stories–parables with relevant themes for today. And, thanks be to GOD, He has granted me the opportunity for that passion to be realized in these novels. Novels about GOD’s love and redemption.
MY BOOKS: Beginning with my women’s devotional Making Eye Contact with God in 2008, each novel I pen contains stories of women who doubt their worth, and learn they have a worth more valuable than any precious jewel or metal. That worth rests in the arms of a loving Heavenly Father. I hope these stories will do the same for you.
SPEAKING & TEACHING: I love teaching at women’s and writers’ events, always with an eye toward encouraging women and writers with stories of hope and empowerment for their own calling. I also teach classes for beginning writers, and classes for congregational groups about the Jewish roots of their faith. Please go to my Contact page to—well—contact me about your next event.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Recently, I launched a YouTube channel under my Author for Authors Program (more to come about that). Currently there are three series:
• BOOK PRE-REVIEW — The Books I’m Excited to Read
• BOOK REVIEW — The Books I Loved!
• AUTHOR HIGHLIGHT — Interviews with Award-Winning Authors.

Hubby and I, 47-years strong!
Be sure and stop by. You might find your next best read—AND win a book or two!
Thanks for stopping by to get to know me. But, more than that, I hope my books, blogs, devotions, videos, and speaking can help me serve you with the gifts and experience God has graciously provided me.
God bless,