Yes, Book 3 of the Hair Mavens Trilogy is finished and nearly ready for release . . .
It’s difficult to believe it has been seven years since book 2, CUT IT OUT. In that time, I had a crisis in my writing journey, but God was so good. He allowed me to be part of an amazing project. I was managing editor of the Tanakh — or Old Testament — of the bestselling Tree of Life Version of the Bible. During that time, Bob’s health declined, he had an injury, heart attack, retired early, and well, we moved south.

Then, wonder of wonders, God opened the doors for my writing once again. But, He made it clear I was to fulfill my commitment to the Hair Mavens, and to all those mavens out there who have patiently waited for the ladies to complete their stories (yes, Pammy, that includes you!).
Really Bad Hair Day is written. Now comes the complicated part. Editing. Preparing the content for publishing. Then, getting it out to you.
I wanted to give a special shout-out to my team of Beta Readers! Becky, Nan, Love, Ashley, Julie, Charlotte, and Judy. Your enthusiasm and insights were so helpful! You are the people this book needs to please. I’m so glad you still love the ladies and were sad that this was the last book.
Lord willing, Really Bad Hair Day will release the end of June. Sooner, if possible. I’ll keep you informed.
Will you keep me in your prayers and help me promote the ladies?