Growing up, I was never outdoorsy, but I did enjoy sitting in the branches of the maple tree in our yard. My adventurous endeavor was…
Daily Word: Is it Failure, or a Different Harvest? Proverbs 10:5
Follow-through. Commitments. Seeing a project through to completion. Sowing and reaping. As adults we know that when we live these bits of…
Daily Word: How’s Life? Proverbs 9:11
For through me your days will be many and years will be added to your life. Proverbs 9:11, TLV How’s Life? Life has its challenges, doesn’t it? It’s just the way of sin. Life has its joys. It’s all in the way we live it. The best way to walk out our journey is to follow our Heavenly Father’s …
Daily Word: Do We Heed Wisdom’s Call? Proverbs 8:1
Our Heavenly Father longs for us to seek wisdom — to seek His counsel. The first four chapters of Proverbs share the benefits of seeking…
Daily Word: What Do You See? Proverbs 7:6
When we look out upon the behavior of the world does it draw us in or repel us? I suppose it depends on what we see. Heroism or hedonism…
Daily Word: Are We Sleepwalking Through Life? Proverbs 6:10-11
Is there a difference between sleep and slumber? Apparently, yes. Sleep is a more restful state of being — generally, dreams occur during…
Daily Word: Do You Listen to His Teachers? Proverbs 5:13-14
How many teachers and instructors do you have in your life? One? Ten? Twenty? More? How many do you listen to? Our heavenly Father has…
Daily Word: Do Children Know How Special They Are? Proverbs 4:3-4
Could God be calling you to support families with children? Do you have gifts that He has given you that can make a difference in the life…
September A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway with Carrie Turansky
If you’ve watched or read my interviews over the years, you’ll recognize this month’s featured author, award-winning and bestselling Carrie Turansky.