I used to live in “Strife-ville.” I’m not sure when I moved there. One day I happened to notice I was surrounded by strife. And in an odd…
Daily Word: Unintentional Strife Sowing is Real . . . Proverbs 16:28
This might seem to be a blink proverb*. I mean, what follower of Jesus would intentionally sow strife or cause division with gossip? Is…
Daily Word: Does Your Smile Reach Your Eyes? Proverbs 15:30
Have you ever seen a smile that didn’t reach the eyes? Those orbs just didn’t reflect joy, but something else? According to Psychology…
Daily Word: What Kind of “Kingdom” do We Have? Proverbs 14:28
Do we have “kingdoms?” In a way, yes, we do. If you have children, own a business, supervise employees, teach, then you are something of…
Daily Word: What are the Attributes of Wisdom? Proverbs 13:1
I love this whole chapter. Contained in today’s Proverbs’ chapter are a lot of great insights into what it takes to walk Wisdom’s Journey…
Daily Word: Press On, My Friends. Proverbs 12:18
Are you feeling a bit weary these days? I hope this proverb and blog will be an appetizer of comfort. After that, let our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Are You a Blessing to Your City? Proverbs 11:11
This might be a “Blink Proverb”* to some. But I was thinking, it is important to know our surroundings. Could that include knowing the…
Daily Word: Does Our Speech Hold Value? Proverbs 10:20
The tongue is capable of such amazing things (Isaiah 50:4): “ADONAI Elohim [the LORD God] has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I…
Daily Word: Did You RSVP? Proverbs 9:1-2
Have you ever prepared a great feast — or a nice dinner — and the invited guest didn’t show up? Perhaps they called to cancel. Perhaps they…