Believe it or not, there are people who choose to restrain themselves from work — from life. Something in their past triggers a…
Daily Word: Thrown Anyone Under the Bus Lately? Proverbs 25:9-10
For most of my life, I had a real problem. Because of my deeply rooted insecurities, I needed to be right. Craved being right. Being wrong…
Daily Word: Why is Partiality in Judgment Not Good? Proverbs 24:23
Are there times when partiality is okay? Sometimes. Someone has a bad day, we give them a bit more grace, maybe even some mercy when…
Daily Word: Are We Gazing? Proverbs 23:31
With the greatest respect, I don’t believe there is anything inherently wrong with a glass of wine. Personally, I’m not one of those…
Daily Word: The Oppressed and the Oppressor… Proverbs 22:22-23
I remember that crushing feeling of fear. The fear that at some point I would run into that bully alone and vulnerable. He would corner me…
Daily Word: Are You Up Against a “City of Warriors?” Proverbs 21:22
Today’s proverb today reminds me of those miraculous stories in the Bible. You know the ones I’m talking about. Where the underdog…
Daily Word: Wake Up! Proverbs 20:13
Have you ever had seasons of healing and recuperation where you’ve been confined to bed? Then you know the frustration of being kept from…
Daily Word: The Perfect Balance . . . Proverbs 19:12
Sounds so poetic, doesn’t it? “. . . dew on the grass.” But, for most of us in North America, dew can create fungus and mold on plants…
Daily Word: “It Wasn’t Me!” Proverbs 18:17
If you’ve ever taught, babysat, and/or had children, you totally get this proverb. Someone breaks a lamp — operative word here is someone…