We all have stories — testimonies — of God’s protection. Events where we can point to His divine intervention.I wonder, how many pits were…
Daily Word: 7 Ways to Avoid Manipulators. Proverbs 25:15
Have you ever had a child wear you down until you give into their demands? Grumpy children left on their own, their behavior can develop…
Daily Word: Are Good Deeds Punished? Proverbs 24:1-2
There is a saying I really dislike: “No good deed goes unpunished.” The world seems to revel in sin and revile Godly behavior. And more…
Daily Word: What if We Pushed Back? Proverbs 23:10-11
Why do people steal from the weak or vulnerable? Because they can. It’s not fair. It’s reprehensible. Yet, it happens to children and…
Daily Word: 6 Ways to Untangle Ourselves from Anger. Proverbs 22:24-25
Ouch! I grew up around hot-tempered people. It’s no wonder I struggled with anger issues. Still, just because I have that history doesn’t…
Daily Word: The Wisdom of Work. Proverbs 21:25-26
The wisdom of work — of earning money — is to live within our means, prudently plan for the future, and be able to give back to the LORD…
Daily Word: Ever Receive “The Look?” Proverbs 20:8
You know the Look that penetrates through any layers of excuses or defenses to the core of our heart? For sure we probably received the…
Daily Word: How Do We Gain Knowledge? Proverbs 19:25
For one who seeks after knowledge, everything around them is a classroom. They have a driving urge to learn. For those redeemed by the…
July A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway with Dennis Conrad! Kid’s Edition!
Do you know a child in the Summer Reading Program?
Have I got great news for you! This month’s A2A Featured Author is award-winning and bestselling children’s author, Dennis Conrad! And he has two books that will inspire and educate your young ones–oh, yes, and they will love the characters.