We would probably better know this as a crisis of faith. Most likely we’ve all had varying degrees of this over our journey. I know I have…
Daily Word: Are We Insulting Our Maker? Proverbs 17:5
Yikes! We can insult God? Apparently so. If we mock the poor and/or cheer when something bad happens—to people we are at odds with. Why…
Daily Word: What Treasures Do You See? Proverbs 16:16
When wisdom and understanding are our priorities, we view the world differently. We see the inconsistencies, the injustice, the lack…
Daily Word: Is it a Diversion? Proverbs 15:21
I have a bit of ADHD. At least that’s the excuse I use when I get distracted in mid-sentence. Maybe it’s just age. Seriously, I’ve always…
Daily Word: What’s Your Harvest? Proverbs 14:14
Our proverb today reminds me of the concept of sowing and reaping. What we sow into something we will reap. In this verse, someone who…
Daily Word: Pretend Respect? Proverbs 13:7
Why would someone pretend to be rich? In order to appear rich, we would have to spend money — money we probably don’t have — on clothing…
Daily Word: Love is a Choice. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love works hard — love is purposeful. And despite what all the storybooks might say, love is a choice.Today a good portion of the world…
Daily Word: Let Go of the Banana! Proverbs 11:6
Have you ever seen a monkey trap? It’s quite simple: place a banana in a box, bottle, or gourd with a small opening. The monkey sees or…
Daily Word: Feeling Uprooted? Proverbs 10:30
Have you ever felt uprooted? Like you didn’t belong? Anywhere? I have. In our coming up on 50 years of marriage, Bob and I have moved…