Happy May! It’s a new month and I was thinking, just a few months ago many of us were making New Year’s Resolutions. How are you doing…
May A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway Featuring Sarah Loudin Thomas
Have you ever made a bad choice? How about someone making a bad choice for you and you’re left to live with their decision? I love thoughtful, real life themes in fiction, and friends, this month’s A2A featured author, Sarah Loudin Thomas lives for these stories!
Daily Word: The Needless Secret Shame. Proverbs 30:15b-16
In less than two weeks, millions will be celebrating Mother’s Day. Children and grandchildren will be giving cards, flowers, and gifts to…
Daily Word: Who Is Our Go To? James (Jacob) 5:13
This verse leads into Yeshua’s half-brother, Jacob’s instructions for praying for the sick. What I found interesting — and hadn’t noticed…
Daily Word: U-Turns Okay? Acts 3:19
The Hebrew word for repent is “teshuvah,” which literally means to turn or return. The Greek “metanoiete,” is similar in that it is…
Daily Word: Falling Short? Romans 23-24
Sigh. We are all sinners. Each and every one of us fall short of the glory of God. We’re born into a fallen world, and it doesn’t take…
Daily Word: The Lamb of GOD! John 1:29
Throughout Scripture, one of Israel’s greatest fears was to be abandoned by God. To be like sheep scattered without a shepherd…
Daily Word: Faith in His Blood, Romans 3:25
Isn’t this a beautiful passage? But what does it mean? What is the history behind Paul’s words? It’s interesting that Paul’s epistle to…
Daily Word: The Matzah—Unleavened Bread. Isaiah 53.5
You might think I’m confused. Didn’t we already talk about Yeshua’s crucifixion? Why am I bringing it up again? The crucifixion of Jesus…