I’ve tried to be as transparent as possible with you all, but admitting this one is difficult. Sigh. I am getting old. Yes, yes, it’s true…
Daily Word: The Need to be Right? Proverbs 3:30
Have you noticed? There’s been a lot of quarreling lately. The vehemence in people’s eyes and actions can be intimidating and even…
Daily Word: Why Me? Proverbs 2:8
Our journey is fraught with challenges — some of our making, others intended to harm us. We will either draw closer to our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: The Answer Was There! Daniel 12:3
I don’t know where to begin! This chapter in Daniel is filled with prophesies of the end times and the tribulations that both the wicked…
Daily Word: Leap On! Proverbs 29:6
Ironically, today is a leap day. Together with our proverb, I am reminded of my brothers. When we were growing up, they took pleasure in…
Daily Word: Echad? The Plural One. Zechariah 14:9
Those who love delving into the book of Revelation will love Zechariah. Reading today’s chapter will give us the flavor of the last book…
Daily Word: The Mystery of the Gifts. Proverbs 27:4
Our proverb today is one of those pondering verses. You know, we read and reread it, yet don’t ponder long enough to go for the deeper…
Daily Word: A Study of Words. Proverbs 26:2
Words have power. Whether we speak them, others speak them, or the Creator of the Universe speaks them, words can change, destroy, or save…
Daily Word: Are You a Manager or Managed? Proverbs 25:3
For many years this proverb seemed odd to me. Kings are just humans. I mean, I get that our Heavenly Father’s ways are unsearchable…