I wonder how the translators of the Bible — especially the Gospels and Epistles — all decided how the verses were separated and numbered…
Daily Word: Out of the Heart? Luke 6:45
Think we can hide any evil or unhealthy roots growing inside our hearts? Anger? Hatred? Envy? Fear? Doubt? Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately…
Daily Word: Seeking Higher Things, Colossians 3:1
Did you catch that? Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. There He intercedes — He prays on our behalf to His Father…
Daily Word: Still a Miracle. Psalm 91:1-2
I missed the anniversary of one of the watermark miracles in my life. For those who don’t remember or are aware, here’s my Facebook post from January 10, 2016…
Daily Word: Love the LORD! Deuteronomy 6:5
Context is so important with today’s verse. Verse 5 begins with what is called the V’ahavta — which means “and you shall love.” The V’ahavta follows the Shem…
Daily Word: Make Disciples. Matthew 28:19
Shabbat Shalom! I admire missionaries to remote lands most of us have never heard of. Could I do it? Probably not. And sometimes, I feel a…
Daily Word: Context—Escaping Temptation? 1 Corinthians 10:13
Has anyone ever said to you, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.”? That saying — which isn’t Scriptural — might be a misinterpretation…
Daily Word: Awesomely, Wonderfully Made. Psalm 139:13-14
Do you feel awesomely and wonderfully made? Sometimes I do — sometimes I don’t, other times, it’s meh. Perhaps the difference in how we may…
Daily Word: Yippee! Let’s Talk About Suffering! 1 Peter 5:10
The S Word. Yippee! Time to talk about suffering! The apostle Peter — who was one of the original twelve that walked with Jesus — has what…