I love the book of Philippians. There are plenty of quotables nestled within those few chapters. Today’s verse is one of those memorable…
Daily Word: The Art of Praise. The Revelation 4:11
Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven…
Daily Word: Yay! My Favorite Word! Proverbs 14:8
I love this word: prudent. If you’ve been reading my blogs over the years—especially the Proverbs’ blogs—you’re already aware of this fact…
Daily Word: The Rock. 1 Samuel 2:2
The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD to give up her child forever. She…
Daily Word: Uh Oh! Finish This Sentence! Romans 15:5
Today’s verse is missing an important part of the message — the second half of the sentence. How about we add the rest…
Daily Word: Shedding Light in Dark Places. 1 John 1:7
Taken out of context, the images this verse brings to our imagination could be little lambs frolicking in the sunshine. The Great Shepherd…
Daily Word: Tried and True. 2 Timothy 2:15
In Paul’s letter to his spiritual son, he focuses on the importance of growth. Not just in numbers but generating new generations of…
Daily Word: Enter His Gates! Psalm 100:4-5
How do we enter our LORD’s gates? In other words, when we enter our congregation’s parking lot, are we in an attitude of worship and praise…
Daily Word: What Fills Your Treasuries? Proverbs 8:21
Treasuries? What do we treasure? Today’s chapter instructs us about wisdom’s ability to help us acquire and steward our most valuable…