One of the benefits of the A2A program is that I have the honor of meeting so many authors. And I’m looking forward to meeting Nicole Deese!
A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway Featuring Amanda Barratt
“Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but become an example of the faithful—in speech, in conduct, in love, in faithfulness, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12. Why am I beginning April’s A2A Blog Interview with this verse?
A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway Featuring Stephanie Landsem
This month’s featured A2A author, Stephanie Landsem was new to me. However, after reading her latest release, Code Name Edelweiss . . .
A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway Featuring Patricia Raybon
Did you know authors get excited about new books written by other authors? Especially new, up-and-coming authors?
A2A: Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway Featuring Lynette Eason
Happy New Year, dear Readers! Two banner events! An interview with one of my favorite authors, Lynette Eason, and the launch of A2A!