We all have desires, yes? But are these the requests we present to our Heavenly Father? I love that the translators used requests rather than desires.
Daily Word: Don’t Mess With GOD’s Kids, Isaiah 54:17
Has anyone ever said bad things about someone you care about? Probably. Were they true? Or partially true? More than likely. But because we love that person, and we truly know them, we’re going to come to their defense.
Daily Word: Follow the Thread, Psalm 18:3
The horn of salvation is symbolic of strength and God’s majesty. The symbolism begins as early as Exodus 27:2, when God commanded the building of the Tabernacle.
Daily Word: Power in Weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9
Weakness is frowned upon in this world. However, for those followers of the Messiah Jesus, that’s where we get His power.
Daily Word: Loved Specks, Psalm 19:2[1]
These days we battle to protect our identity. From those who seek to capitalize on our work, to those who seek to undermine who we are.
Daily Word: A Generous Heart, Luke 6:38
Understanding a verse’s full context is the difference between looking into the window of a beautiful home, and living there.
Daily Word: Stir It Up! Hebrews 10:24-25
How do we “stir it up”? What motivates us?
Daily Word: What I Learned From Skeeball, 1 John 5:14
Have you ever played games at amusement parks? Generally, it involves a lot of quarters with a minimal return on our investment. Yet, we still like to play them.
Daily Word: 8 Attributes of a Perseverant Person, Romans 5:3-5
Interesting that this verse popped up in YouVersion’s verse of the day. It was just verse of the day in December, so why again so soon? Because frankly, just like December, I woke up tired, with the knowledge that my “To Do” list was longer than yesterday’s, and didn’t know if I would write today’s Daily Word.