I love this passage. I’ve taken great comfort in the picture of the Creator of the Universe as our Dad. In this one verse, we can see His…
Daily Word: You can be an Influencer in a Child’s Life. Proverbs 23:15
Whether you’re a parent or an influencer in the life of a child, there’s something precious when an adult and a child have that heart…
Daily Word: Can Favoritism be Injustice? Proverbs 22:8
There are many types of injustice. Systemic sin — like prejudice against a race or faith — by a government creates injustice and affects…
Daily Word: What Do You Build on Your Foundation? Proverbs 21:17
What we love ahead of GOD cannot sustain us. When we love and seek Him first, all these other things will be added to our lives (Matthew…
Daily Word: Our Spirit is His lamp? Proverbs 20:27
Our Heavenly Father’s lamp is our spirit? It’s worth noting that we typically think that this is the role of the Holy Spirit. Which is…
Daily Word: Are You a True Friend? Proverbs 19:7
This is a sad and uncomfortable proverb. What struck me this morning was that the “Poor Man” at one time had friends. Something happened…
Daily Word: 8 Ways to Listen Better. Proverbs 18:13
Ever watch a game show? How quickly the contestant can come up with the answer will be the difference between winning or losing. Getting…
Daily Word: Silence Can Be Wise. Proverbs 17:28
You got to love this passage. I mean, we can look wise by just keeping our mouth shut. But are we just looking wise or is this a step…
Daily Word: Do Not Fear the Gollums — Pray! Proverbs 16:4
You might be questioning my rationale for using a movie photo from Lord of the Rings–The Return of the King (2003). There’s a story about…