Have you ever misplaced your keys? Wallet? Phone? Sunglasses? Those items we generally need when going outside? I sure have. Way too often…
Daily Word: Do You Know What You Didn’t Know? Proverbs 2:10
Of all the wonderful chapters in the book of Proverbs, chapter 2 is one of my favorite. After a difficult disappointment or a devastation…
Daily Word: The Fear Of . . . Proverbs 1:33
For those who read a chapter of Proverbs each day, it’s time to roll back the scroll! We’re already half-way through the year. Today is a…
Daily Word: Leftovers, Again? Proverbs 31:11-12
I remember that “aha” moment — when I realized my husband’s heart didn’t trust me. It had nothing to do with fidelity in the typical…
Daily Word: A Blink Verse. Proverbs 30:19
Our proverb today has probably been a “blink” verse* for most of us. It sure was for me. Yet, when I read it, I got this creepy feeling…
Daily Word: Truth Pushes Through. Proverbs 29:16
When do we give up fighting evil? Never. But it’s important to prayerfully choose our battles and know that in the end, GOD wins the war…
Daily Word: 4 Tips to Help Make Better Decisions. Proverbs 28:16
When I read this proverb, I think of someone with integrity. They hate unjust gain—someone who robs, steals, commits fraud. Choosing to…
Daily Word: Do You Tend for Someone? Proverbs 27:18
What a great proverb! This is one of those verses that is ripe (pun intended) with symbolism. We know that the fig tree is a…