Whose Plans? How often do we seek the LORD’s counsel before we proceed with our plans? I wish I could say . . .
Daily Word: Choose, Or I Take Your Chocolate! Zephaniah 3:17
If someone would threaten to remove chocolate from this world if I didn’t choose my most favorite verse of the Bible, it would be today’s verse. Why?
Daily Word: Mourn on Earth, Party in Heaven, John 11:25-26
Mourn on Earth, Party in Heaven. John’s chapter eleven is so rich with insights and wonders, I had no idea what to focus on today’s Daily Word.
Daily Word: Be Strong and Wait! Psalm 27:14
Sometimes the most difficult thing we can do in our faith journey is to wait. Waiting requires faith — real faith. Not just lip service, or formula faith
Daily Word: Don’t Forget Abba! Jacob [James] 5:13
It’s pretty straightforward, right? Having a rough time? Pray. Feeling good? Sing praises to the LORD. I don’t know about you, but I need reminding of this.
Daily Word: Preparation, Psalm 85:3[2]
On the 25th the Fall Biblical Feasts will begin with Yom Teruah (Leviticus 23:23-25) — also known as Rosh Hashanah.
Daily Word: For Me? John 10:11
For Me? One of Israel’s greatest fears was to be as sheep without a shepherd — to be abandoned by God.
Daily Word: Lending to God? Proverbs 19:17
Lending to God? How amazing is this! I love the passages that give us insights into how to bless the Creator of the Universe — our Father.
Daily Word: Those Selfless Moments, Colossians 3:23-24
Those selfless moments. There is that place where we give selflessly and it’s not only those who risk their lives for others.