“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19, TLV
What do we hold dear? Our families? Home? Granny’s jewels? During this pandemic, we’ve watched little old ladies pound others with their cane to protect their toilet paper. We’ve watched riots and violence generated by people who feel oppressed and short-changed. All in the name of holding dear what we fear we will lose.
I loved the graphic I chose for today’s meme. The little boy alert in his treehouse fortress. Perhaps he is watching birds. Or for interlopers like his sister. It’s an awesome house. I would have loved it growing up. Our daughter would have, too. But, what about now? Trying to get my creaky bones to climb the tree or ladder, then sitting on the rough hard wood, it wouldn’t be long before I was longing for the comforts of my own home.
And that’s why this picture is significant.
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Just like that vigilant boy will one day grown up and move on to his own home, one day we will finally be home. We will have outgrown what we hold so dear now and realize our real home was always in heaven. So, what we treasure here on earth should be of the variety that pests will not destroy, or thieves cannot steal.

Just like the little boy who enjoys his treehouse, we can enjoy what “treasures” we’re blessed with in this season of our life. And to be wise stewards of those blessings. As long as we know, one day we’ll outgrow these feeble surroundings and inhabit eternity with our Heavenly Father and all those who have gone before.
By the way, I think the house The Carpenter has made for us will blow our socks off.