Daily Word: 1 John 4:19

Terri GillespieDaily Word 2 Comments

We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19, TLV

Another drop the mic verse. We learn how to love because we have the perfect example, Yeshua — Jesus. But, there are other examples of a perfect love. Missionaries who leave the comforts of modern conveniences, and journey to places where there is no clean running water — or toilets.

What about those who choose to pastor flocks in areas of high crime? We know enough stories of how both have given their lives for this work.

Then there are those around us who exhibit a selfless love that is demonstrated in simple ways — ways we barely acknowledge. Things like helping to bring in the groceries. A hug and kiss for no reason. The laughter of a child who crawls into your lap when you are grieving and hunger for joy.

An interesting book club

Yesterday, before Shabbat services, I attended a monthly book club. I love this group. Sometimes our leader asks questions that send us in directions that are spiritually powerful. In yesterday’s meeting, we talked about how we don’t gather to pray for one another as we did before. We don’t take time to be in a moment — a moment of prayer, gratitude, grief, love. We’re so busy going from one thing to the next, barely acknowledging an answered prayer, deep mourning, a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a kiss or hug (or loving fist-bump).

We love because He first loved us. Yeshua loved on the multitudes, but because, well, let’s face it, humanity is exhausting to be around, He got away to connect with His Dad and get loved-on Himself. For those sweet souls who give so selflessly, like our Messiah, please remember to get away from time to time, and let your Father and your family love on you. It’s okay to be in a moment of beauty, joy, love, laughter and enjoy it. In fact it follows our Messiah’s example.

Thanks for this moment.

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