As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of the many-sided grace of God. 1Peter 4:10, TLV
Context. It’s interesting to note that Peter believes that the “end of all things is near” (1 Peter 4:7). He seems to indicate that things are really getting bad, including suffering and persecution for their faith.
In the midst of this, Peter exhorts and encourages his readers to be hospitable and loving to one another. To use the gifts God has given them in service to one another rather than our own pursuits. And to be good and honest stewards of the gifts our Heavenly Father has graciously given.
It seems that even in the most difficult of times, we as children of the Creator of the Universe, are to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Messiah.
During this pandemic — our period of isolation — did we still reach out to our family of faith?
As “the end of all things nears,” are our hearts and homes opened to our brothers and sisters in Messiah?
Are we stewarding the gifts God has given us by serving our family?
Worth pondering?