He made the One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21, TLV

He who knew no sin, became sin …
How many times have we read this and just moved on? This verse is part of the reality of Yeshua’s sacrifice, that He took on our sins. Right?
But think about the real reality.
As a parent, I can visualized this and it devastates me.
Imagine a tiny newborn exposed to the most horrific and depraved of sins. I can’t allow myself but a few seconds to ponder that.
Now, we have a tiny taste of what the Father went through allowing His holy Son to take every sin.
His precious Son who had done no wrong, ever, was exposed to such filth He had to turn away at the most difficult time of Yeshua’s sacrifice.
The very sin that kept us from adoption, Jesus took upon Himself. Willingly.
What love of our Father to give His Son. What amazing love and bravery of our Messiah and Savior to go through with it.
Now, our understanding and gratitude deepens. And when we see a newborn child, we will remember what was done for us. I know I do.