Daily Word: 2 Timothy 2:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

Make every effort to present yourself before God as tried and true, as an unashamed worker cutting a straight path with the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15, TLV


In Paul’s letter to his spiritual son, he focuses on the importance of growth. Not just in numbers, but generating new generations of teachers and leaders. Paul’s investment in Timothy’s spiritual and emotional maturity is very evident. Rather than addressing a group of believers, Paul had given much effort and time to his precious “son,” even while in prison. He knows his death is imminent (4:6), and his goal is still the same, making strong disciples.

And what you have heard from me among many witnesses, entrust to faithful people who will be capable to teach others also.  (vs. 2, TLV)

Although Paul continues to mentor and instruct Timothy, as Paul’s martyrdom approaches, he now passes the torch to Timothy. Timothy is ready and capable of teaching others so that one day they might continue to carry the torch.

Mentorship is somewhat of a lost art. After a few decades, much of which in observation of leadership, I’ve seen what happens to those who are allowed into teaching and leadership roles before they are ready. There is no doubt the individuals have an anointing, but anointing without true discipleship causes great heartache — for the person being discipled and those around them.

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these [godless chatter, false teaching, quarrelling], he will be a vessel for honor—sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. (vs. 21, TLV)

We’re all God’s vessels. Placing ourselves under wise, righteous authority, learning in humility, and cleansing ourselves through sanctification, our vessels can go from common to honorable (vs. 20). Because that is what we want, to be useful to the LORD, right?

As Paul wraps up his ministry, he leaves his “son” with a powerful message: continue to learn and pass on the lessons so others may teach them. Counsel them in how to be a vessel of great worth (vs. 20).

Let us make every effort to present ourselves before God as tried and true, making the effort to carve the path to truth as honorable vessels.

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