And not only that, but we also boast in suffering—knowing that suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Ruach ha-Kodesh [Holy Spirit] who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5, TLV
8 Attributes of a Perseverant Person. I woke up tired this morning, how about you? Once my brain kicked into gear, I realized that my “To Do” list was longer than yesterday’s. The last few weeks I’ve been reevaluating the time I spend writing these devotional blogs. Especially when it doesn’t appear folks are benefiting from them—well, maybe a handful. Or one or two.
Sometimes life seems to have a bottomless pit of challenges to replace the ones we’ve overcome.
So, this message is for me, and I pray it will be a blessing to you as well.
Hope does not disappoint.
Why do I continue to pour out my heart and share what I believe the Holy Spirit has revealed for me each day? I do it because it blesses me, and, well, writing is a gift from my Creator. But the greater gift is hearing from my Abba.
8 Attributes of a Perseverant Person
A blog isn’t much of a challenge, really. There are much more difficult things to press through. I always wondered how people persevered under the most difficult of circumstances. Multiple deaths of a loved ones in a short period of time, illness, challenges one would never think could happen. But here is what I’ve observed.
People persevere because they:
- choose to hope: they choose to have hope that they will spend eternity with their lost loved one, that whatever pain they have will one day end, that challenges will draw them closer to the LORD;
- read the word: reading the Bible — not just books about the Bible — feeds our hope, strengthens us, centers us, reminds us of GOD’s truth;
- spend time with Abba — Dad: beginning with simple prayers of good morning, or a personalized version of the LORD’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), following a verse-of-the-day program along with reading a chapter of proverbs and/or psalms — then listen;
- worship: spending time in solitary and corporate worship, reminds us, with beauty, who GOD is — He is everything to us;
- practice gratitude: being thankful reminds us of all GOD has done for us in the past, and during a difficult season, it’s all the more important to remember what He has done for us. The most precious, our adoption through His Son’s atonement for our sins;
- enjoy His creation: a sunrise, sunset, gentle rain on a thirsty land, geese landing on a pond, a child’s laughter, GOD’s wonders simple and majestic, they pause and notice and take in the beauty and preciousness;
- reach out to others: even in their lack, we can make a difference in others’ lives, even if it is to simply smile at a harried cashier, giving up a choice parking spot to another, baking cookies for a neighbor or a casserole for someone getting surgery, a phone call, reaching out to others helps us persevere during our challenges.
- don’t do it alone: helping others is important, but asking for help is important, too. Cultivating a relationship with a small but dependable circle of trusted, spiritually mature friends or leadership is important. Sometimes we just need a hand.
Perseverance is the great faith muscle exercise, isn’t it? Thanks so much to all who have read these little missives from my heart to yours.
Think More About It
These are attributes I’ve noticed in those who persevere. How do you persevere?
May you persevere, my friends.
Praying for Israel—Prayer Prompts
I lie down and sleep.
I awake—for ADONAI [the LORD] sustains me.
I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people all around
who have taken their stand against me.
Arise, ADONAI! Deliver me, my God!
For you strike all my enemies on the cheek.
You shatter the teeth of the wicked. Psalm 3:6-8, TLV
A friend—and fellow Zio*ist—and I were texting about how she was struggling with feelings of horror, grief, anger, well, you get the idea. The wrote a blog that I’m praying about before I share the link. It has really caused me to think. In the meantime, will you join me in praying this passage? God bless you.