“. . . But you will receive power when the Ruach ha-Kodesh has come upon you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and through all Judah, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8, TLV

Context. Remember how the disciples thought Jesus was there to set them free from the Roman oppressors? After everything Yeshua did — His miracles, death, and resurrection — they still asked Him when Israel would be theirs again.
“So when they gathered together, they asked Him, “’Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?’” (Acts 1:6, TLV)
Can you imagine our Messiah shaking His head, telling them it’s not for them to know when, only the Father knows? Then wondering how these guys still missed the bigger picture (vs.7)?
The followers of Yeshua still held tight to the expectation that the Messiah had come to defeat their oppressors. Like the Maccabees and a small army who miraculously defeated Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who had invaded Judaea and desecrated the Second Temple in Jerusalem, they thought Jesus would do the same to the Romans. Then He didn’t
Instead, He did amazing miracles. He told them He would died, which He did. He told them He would rise from the dead, and He sis. The disciples read into all that as their conquering King was here to set them free. But those pesky expectations almost caused them to miss the true reason Yeshua did all those wonders. To fulfill an even greater purpose — redemption for the world!
“Tsk,” we may say. “Those foolish disciples.” But, really, are we any different?
Those pesky expectations . . .
I have a writer-friend who loves the word, “pesky.” I’ve grown to appreciate it. Pesky is can be things, creatures, and people who annoy or are bothersome. Not inherently evil, just distracting.
Do we have pesky expectations? Things we’ve had an iron-grip on and won’t let go. What we’re certain God told us, or promises in His word we’ve interpreted for our situation?
Hold them lightly . . .
Another friend of mine says frequently — to me — to hold things lightly. I believe that applies to our expectations, not just things. Because holding so tightly means we become so focused we may miss what God is truly showing us.
If we hold anything tightly, hold tightly to our faith in our Heavenly Father. That He is a good Father who loves us, that He has blessed us beyond measure, and that ultimately, His will is our desire.
Fortunately, our legacy was assured when those followers — still in awe, and most likely confused — walked away from the mountain and waited as Yeshua had instructed them. A few days later, the Holy Spirit came and the Father’s purpose continued.
Right now, we may be confused and discouraged that our expectations are unfulfilled, let them go. Or hold them lightly. Instead, focus on our Father, His Son, and the incredible gift of His Holy Spirit. Yes, hold these things tightly.