Daily Word: Are You a Morning or Evening Person? Proverbs 27:14

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

If someone blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse. Proverbs 27:14, TLV


Are You a Morning or Evening Person?     Morning vs. evening people. Yes, there really is such a thing. Today’s proverb is helpful in maintaining a harmonious relationship with family, friends, and neighbors. Learning to be sensitive to our differences in sleeping and waking patterns is wise.

I am a morning person. I love my quiet time with the LORD before the sun rises, before my brain and the day kicks into high speed. For some, their time with the LORD is most meaningful as they wind down the day and prepare for bed late at night.

Folks laugh at my hubby’s and my early to bed–yes, we’re one of those 8pm old-timers. But we chuckle at their foggy brains and bedheads in the early mornings.

I was thinking, just the fact that GOD has even made provisions and guidelines for different types of people He created is pretty amazing. He doesn’t expect us all to be cookie-cutter sized, shaped, and flavored morning people. I love that!

Morning and Evening

There are passages about beginning the morning with the LORD, and there are passages about the night watchers. What I got this morning–really early in the morning–was that He wants His children on duty 24/7. Did He really create us to work in shifts? It would appear that way.

So, He chose some of us for night and some of us for day. We can take great comfort in knowing even our sleep and waking patterns were formed in us by Him. Pretty cool, don’t you think?

Think More About It

Are you a morning or evening person? How does that work in your faith journey?

Until tomorrow, may we come to understand and be at peace in knowing who our Heavenly Father created us to be, my friends.

For a thousand years in Your sight
are like a day just passing by,
or like a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4, TLV

As we approach the one-year mark, it seems this war has gone on forever. Too many have died on both sides. But our days are like a grain in the hourglass. Knowing God’s timing is not like ours doesn’t always make it easier to wait. Waiting means faith and trust. Today, shall we pray for faith and trust? Yes? Amen. God bless you and Shabbat shalom!

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