Like one who takes a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own. Proverbs 26:17, TLV
Are You Meddling in Someone’s Argument? For most of us, in most situations, interfering in a stranger’s business — even for the best intentions — without being invited, is ill-advised. And, honestly, even if we’re invited it’s not a wise idea, until/unless the LORD makes it clear we are to be involved.
If we are not “called” to be part of the quarrel — even if it seems we have a vantage point of neutrality and can help, it won’t work out well — especially for us.
Since we only know what we know and being a “passer-by”, we don’t know much.
We’re Not Judges
We’re not judges. The offended parties have not supplied us with detailed briefs and a long line of witnesses or boxes of evidence. Why would we think this is going to turn out well?
This also applies in many ways to taking sides in an argument or disagreement between people we know. When a friend or loved one is in a dispute or was perceived to have been harmed, this proverb is also wise counsel.
Prayerful Neutrality
Prayerful neutrality is what’s needed in these situations. It creates space for resolution where the Holy Spirit can work. Taking sides will only divide. Remaining neutral, offering compassion, not meddling, and praying purposefully is the best solution. And, having done all that, you still may need to walk away.
Social Media
There’s another arena where this applies. Social media. We may think we can avoid the repercussions of meddling in someone else’s quarrel with a quick post, but our words have power—positive and negative.
If we think about the fact that the universe was spoken into being (Genesis 1), that the written Word of that Creator became flesh (John 1), we must conclude that words carry weight.
Think twice about posting that hateful, cynical, cruel, hurtful post. Think twice about meddling in an already volatile situation. And remember that according to Jesus, even thinking ill against someone is the same as doing it in our Heavenly Father’s eyes (Matthew 5:17-48).
If the quarrel is not our own, don’t get involved unless God truly shows you otherwise. Truly shows you, His will. And that’s a wise thing.
Think More About It
Have we ever “helped” folks who are arguing? How did it turn out?
Until tomorrow, in quarrels not our own, may we abide in prayerful neutrality, my friends.
“When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horse and chariot—a people more numerous than you—do not be afraid of them. For ADONAI [the LORD] your God, the One who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.” Deuteronomy 20:1, TLV
How about today we remember. Remember all that the LORD has done on behalf of Israel for thousands of years. Let that bolster our faith in Him so that when we pray, we can confidently say, “Your will be done.” Amen? God bless you!