Daily Word: Are Your Eyes Satisfied? Proverbs 27:20

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man. Proverbs 27:20, TLV


Are Your Eyes Satisfied?     Greed. Most examples of greed begin with the eyes. From the tiniest baby to the wizened adult, when we see something we want and can’t have, we are tempted to do whatever it takes to get it.

Greed and lust are twin sins. They are practiced in tempting us. From money, to possessions, to people, to power, what we see with unholy eyes can take us to places far away from our Heavenly Father and those we love.

A Covenant with Our Eyes and More

“I made a covenant with my eyes not to pay attention to a virgin . . .”  Job 31:1, TLV

I like what Job said to his friends. Making a covenant with our eyes.

Still, the truth is, our eyes aren’t always reliable. Our eyes may be able to see what is tangible, but they cannot see what is spiritual and emotional. When we think of who we are — spirit, soul, and body — only a third of who we are is visible. There’s a whole other world out there that we can’t see and therefore, don’t fully understand. But our eyes are part of the temptation factor.

“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen did not come from anything visible.” Hebrews 11:3, TLV

Given we can’t always trust our eyes, if we realize there’s trouble with our faith journey, then we need to stop and seek the Holy Spirit’s discernment. When did we leave the original path? What caused it?

Like Job, we can make a covenant with our eyes to only look at pure things — like what we watch on television, our phones, the internet. A covenant to look at the things that bring us closer to our Creator and our Messiah — like our loved ones, the Bible, a beautiful sunrise, nature.

There is so much that is wholesome that we can gaze upon. Things that satisfy our heart. Why? Because these wholesome things will feed our soul and spirit and bring us closer to our Father.

Think More About It

A good way to begin to purposely avoid temptation is to make a covenant with our eyes. How could/does that practically work in your life?

Until tomorrow, may we make a covenant with our eyes, my friends.

With so much information on what is going on in Israel, we can easily be overwhelmed. This is where praying for wisdom and discernment is so important. God bless you as you continue to be wise in your intercession.

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