Daily Word: Can You Spot a Lie? Proverbs 26:23

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Like silver glaze overlaying earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart. Proverbs 26:23, TLV


Can You Spot a Lie?     Did you know you can cover just about anything with silver? Or gold for that matter. Just a can of Krylon and you can give anything the look of luxury.

Why would people coat earthenware with silver as we have in this proverb?

It was a way of deceiving folks into believing a chalice was solid silver.

Discerning Based on Experience

A discerning person could tell if it was fake by the weight of the cup and how well it withstood a tight grip. Because they had seen and have experience with the real thing and could spot a poor facsimile.

Deception in this proverb are words covered in kindness or flattery or even a bit of knowledge, but in reality, hide an evil intent.

Silver Glazing Us?

How many times has someone had a “silver glaze” that covered a strategic purpose to harm us? Make fun of us? Even sarcasm can at times be silver-glazed cruelty.

Let’s face it, in our quest for wisdom and a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father, the enemy of our souls will send deceivers to throw us off track. Guaranteed.

Judge the weight of these words to see if they measure in true value. Test to see if they can withstand the strength of God’s truth.

Learn the Lesson

Whether we discern their hearts immediately or learn the difficult way, learn the lesson. Learn it well. For our world is becoming more confusing and those who spray a little silver glaze on their words are everywhere.

Look at the true fruits of the Spirit in their own lives. (Galatians 5:22-23) Recently. If there hasn’t been anything new in their lives lately, be discerning. If you can’t witness their fruit personally, be wary. Be discerning.

The more we seek truth, the easier it will be to spot the lies. And that’s wisdom.

Think More About It

Have you dealt with “silver glazing” in your life? In the lives of others? How have you handled the lessons?

Until tomorrow, may we seek truth—may we seek GOD with all our hearts, my friends.

They who seek my life set traps.
Those who seek my hurt threaten destruction, uttering lies all day.
But I, like someone deaf, hear nothing,
like a mute, not opening his mouth. Psalm38:13-14, TLV

Right now, the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people have been bombarded—literally and figurately—with destruction and lies. Sometimes it is difficult to turn a deaf ear and just focus on preserving life and limb. Today, we pray for shalom that surpasses all understanding—the peace that only comes from God—for His people. That they would hear only the voice of God and not the voices that lie. Amen? God bless you!

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