And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17, TLV

Whatever we say or do reflects Jesus. Does it glorify and give our gratitude to our Heavenly Father? Yikes. I suppose we can walk around feeling convicted of our failures all day long, because if you’re like me, there are plenty of them. But, if we do that, then we may shut down and not even try to do better.
Here’s where grace, mercy, salvation, redemption, and sanctification come in. Our journey is just that, a journey. We move forward learning, leaving behind the past.
Until Yeshua returns, we aren’t going to be perfect. But, we’re going to keep trying, because we remember we represent Him.
We’re not alone . . .
We’re no longer alone. Praise GOD! Which also means, our words and actions now affect others’ faith journeys. That’s a heavy responsibility. It is also an honor.
So, as we live in a world where words are doled out like poisoned candy, let our words be salt. Where deeds are self-centered, let our actions be selfless and light. And, when we fail, repent, receive forgiveness, and keep on keeping on.
Please pray Psalm 122.