Daily Word: Context, Again? Colossians 4:2

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.  Colossians 4:2, TLV


Context, Again?        In the previous chapter, the ending verses, Paul gives life instructions to various people. Wives, husbands, children, fathers, and “slaves”*. Then in the next chapter the instructions are directed towards slave masters.

The message is essentially the same for all of them, and for us.

  • Live a life of integrity.
  • Follow the essence of the Torah — love God, love each other.
  • Then, devote ourselves to prayer.
  • Keeping alert in thanksgiving.

By maintaining an attitude of gratitude, it is easier to accomplish the rest. Because thankfulness fuels integrity, love, true obedience, and prayer. Thankfulness grounds us in the reality that had the Creator of the Universe not loved us so much that He sent His only Son to redeem us and make us His Children, we would be lost.

My Takeaway

Maybe some of you have felt like a slave to your job and your boss. There were some jobs where I—and I say this as respectfully as I can—felt oppressed and put upon by my supervisor. Once I was promoted to a supervisor myself, I remembered that feeling and was inspired to not treat my staff in the same manner. These verses in Colossians were important to my “management” style and my own behavior. To the best of my ability, I did try to operate in integrity.

It certainly makes for a better living environment — no matter the “social station”. Don’t you think?

Think More About It

How about you? Have you experienced both sides of the management position? What did you learn? How about with your friends and family and spouse?

Until tomorrow, may we live a life of integrity.


Praying for Israel

Notice the man of integrity and watch the upright—
for the man of shalom has a future.
But transgressors will be destroyed altogether.
The future of the wicked will be cut off. Psalm 37:37-38, TLV

We all want our integrity noticed and to operate as a person of peace, right? So, let stand in the gap for this promise and hope to come for Israel and the Jewish people. Amen? God bless you.


* “Slaves” and “slavery” are attached to concepts rooted in social oppression like those in the antebellum South or contemporary human trafficking. That concept of slavery doesn’t align with the social arrangements described in the Hebrew Bible. There were so many different types of “slaves”, many were more considered indentured servants. Jewish “slaves” were released and their debts forgiven in the Jubilee year (Every 50 years). There are some great commentaries that address this.

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