Daily Word: Do Children Know How Special They Are? Proverbs 4:3-4

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment


When I was a son to my father, tender and special to my mother, he taught me and said to me: “Lay hold of my words in your heart, keep my commands and you will live!” Proverbs 4:3-4, TLV


Do Children Know How Special They Are?     Could God be calling you to support families with children? Do you have gifts that He has given you that can make a difference in the life of a child and/or their parents?

The sad truth is more and more children are no longer tender. The lessons they are taught have more to do with survival, an inflated sense of self, or political correctness, and less about living a full, Godly, purposeful life. The essence of innocence is pushed aside because of the need for them to be safe.

In fact, many children have “strange voices” teaching them through technology, as parents focus on what’s important to them. Or perhaps being able to provide for their family.

As our society erodes more and more of the Biblical boundaries, children are caught in those lost margins.

Equipping Parents

Many parents are not equipped with the wisdom or resources to raise kids “in the way they should go.” These parents need to be taught themselves—I know hubby and I did. They need help. Even those parents who treasure their children and Biblical precepts would love the support of the community of saints.

Parents – no matter what the age of their children – need the help of others. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, neighbors, ministers of the Good News, friends. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and families by directing them to God and His word. And then, teach them how to live it.


One of the most treasured gifts an adult can receive is the trust of a parent with their child. If you’re given that trust, treat it wisely, respectfully, and with tenderness.

Think More About It

Has anyone outside the immediate family been a support to you? Have you been a support to families? What did that look like?

Until tomorrow, may God open opportunities for us to show a child how special they are to Him, my friends.

“… because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against the inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, tore your clothes, and wept before Me, I have heard you,’ says ADONAI [the LORD]. 2 Chronicles 34:27, TLV


With the terrible loss of six hostages, it’s difficult to keep our heart tender so that we can hear the LORD. As we pray for these families, maybe also pray that our hearts would remain tender so that anger and revenge do not harden them and we can better hear the LORD. God bless you.

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