A wise king winnows out the wicked. He turns a threshing wheel over them. Proverbs 20:26, TLV
Do We Need to Clean Our “Kingdoms?” Did you know you rule a “kingdom?” Your kingdom may be your family, your business, classroom, or even your vehicle when you drive to work or run errands. Whatever or wherever you “govern” or have authority, that is your mini kingdom. Including our own minds.
So, whatever “kingdom” you rule, find the evil and clean it out.
Evil seeks to divide in order to conquer kingdoms. It steals to destabilize kingdoms. Evil deceives to usurp authority. There are many ploys of the enemy, therefore a king or queen must be diligent to protect not only their authority, but those they are responsible for.
If we serve under a “ruler,” do we pray for them? Pray for wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and understanding for them? Whether a boss, minister, president, governor, mayor, or parents, they need our prayers for the responsibilities they bear.
Whether we rule or are ruled, helping to winnow out the evil is a wise thing. Something we should do every day.
Think More About It
As we approach the traditional New Year, we may be thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Is clean your “kingdom” on that list?
Until tomorrow, may we winnow out the evil in our kingdom, my friends.
Praying for Israel
ADONAI [the LORD] judges the peoples.
Vindicate me, ADONAI,
according to my righteousness and integrity in me.
Please, end the evil of the wicked
and sustain the righteous.
A just God examines hearts and minds.
My shield is God—
Savior of the upright in heart. Psalm 7:9-11, TLV
Our prayer today is both a petition and a reminder of who God is. Shall we agree together? Shabbat shalom and God bless you!