Daily Word: Do You Lie or Lie?   Proverbs 13:5

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A righteous person hates lying, but the wicked acts in shameful disgrace. Proverbs 13:5, TLV


Do You Lie or Lie?     Okay. This was a bit scary. I decided to look up the definition of a lie—to lie. Several dictionaries focused on the verb, “to lie.” But rather than what I was looking for in relation to this proverb, they focused on the verb to lie down — as in to lie down on a bed.

Then, it went from strange to worse. One publication gave the definition: A lie is an assertion that is believed to be false.

Did you catch that? “Is believed to be false.” As in someone’s lie could be my truth. Yikes!

Clear Definition

When I finally located the definition with clear values, I was relieved. Clear: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. something intended or serving to convey a false impression.

How ironic that our defining publications and resources have become vague and misleading themselves.

A lie erodes the foundation of truth — even a small one like those odd definitions. Which is why our Heavenly Father hates them so much.

Lies destabilize whole nations — look at the Pogroms, Inquisition, Holocaust, just to name a few horrific repercussions from lies.

As children of the Most High, as redeemed souls, we must be especially diligent to watch for those lies. The seemingly innocuous ones that float around us in the media, government, businesses, and schools, even those we give as an excuse for being late or not flossing.

Social Media

I would be remiss in neglecting to address the social media component. My daughter has been a wonderful instructor in the importance of fact-checking declarative posts on social media—especially those that I think verify my faith or position on a particular subject. Because I lack social-media-savvy, she has become a helpful resource. If you, too, lack that savvy, find someone who can help. Or, if can’t verify, don’t support or promote—a.k.a. share—that post.

One might think our voice can’t make a difference in the wave of voices crashing around us. Just remember, a little lie can destabilize, truth can break through the hardness and darkness and confusion of lies.

Let’s live truth. Let’s hate lying, and not just in others, but ourselves.

Think More About It

Sometimes we can accumulate excuses to not support the truth. I know I do. I can get lazy about factchecking or just want to prove my point and look to others rather than seeking the root of truth—the Creator of the Universe. How do you keep from lying or lying?

Until tomorrow, may truth reign, my friends.

One of my vulnerabilities is coming against the lies toward Israel and the Jewish people. There are plenty of them, to be sure. Until recently, I indiscriminately shared half-truths and/or unsubstantiated posts. Even posts that may have been accurate, but the spirit of its message was not fruitful.

My friends, I pray that you will, like me, seek to verify and pray for discernment before sharing information to others. God bless you!

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