Daily Word: Do You See the Prisms in Proverbs? Proverbs 9:9

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still. Teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:9, TLV


Do You See the Prisms in Proverbs?     You know how I love to tell you all how important it is to live the Proverbs? That living the Proverbs means we’re in them each day — as often as we can? Today’s proverb affirms my nagging. Well, I probably shouldn’t nag, but . . .

This verse indicates that this type of regular study and walk of Proverbs will deepen our wisdom, learning, and understanding. Clearly, I can confirm that in my life.

On those days that I sit down to read that day’s chapter of Proverbs, I sometimes feel like I’ve drawn everything I need from it. After nearly twenty-five years of reading Proverbs, is there’s really anything new for today?

Yep! Yes, There Is!

Inevitably, if I pay close attention, our Heavenly Father’s Spirit will reveal something new or something I need to be reminded of.

Or, sometimes the very revelation I’ve known for years suddenly has a different application for this season of my life. A deeper understanding.

Like a Prism

It’s like a prism. Depending upon the Light our Father shines through the proverb/prism and depending upon the direction, the refraction or dispersion can reveal incredible things we can learn. Like:

  • a whole new spectrum of color and beauty we never knew was there
  • problems that have turned our world upside down, we can now see from a different angle so we can better deal with it
  • the right angle can help us with double mindedness
  • we can view our true reflection
  • how to look to the future with prudence and wisdom.

The same proverb, yet our Father can reveal new ways of looking at the revelation. How amazing is that?

Think More About It

Have you looked at Proverbs through the lens of a “prism”? How has that changed your perspective?

Until tomorrow, may we look again — and again — through the Proverb Prism, my friends.

Blessed is the nation whose God is ADONAI [the LORD],
the people He chose for His own inheritance.
ADONAI looks down from heaven.
He observes all humanity.
From His dwelling place He gazes
on all the inhabitants of the earth— Psalm 33:12-14, TLV

There is a large population in Israel that seeks after the Lord. He sees that. He’s not blind to the terror or persecution. What is His plan? I don’t know. However, I do know from His word that He longs for all to seek after Him. That’s why we must be careful to not “curse” Israel enemies. We don’t know who will one day seek Him and be reconciled with Him and His people. I know, personally, people who have made that conversion from hatred to love and forgiveness.

So, today, let us pray for Israel to seek after ADONAI and for the nations to do so as well. Yes? God bless you.

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